Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week of Man "Date" and House Elections

Mwaha! Just when you thought I was never going to update this poor dear, the nagging finally wore me down! Ha! Yeah. I'm just great at updating this thing... NOT. Alack and alas.

Anyway, now that I've said nothing of import, I'll get to the interesting stuff that you probably have been waiting forever to hear about (well, forever being approximately one month): My week of man "date". And also officer elections.

First things first: What is this  "date" and why is it in quotes?

Well, 'Week of Man' is an insane event that the UCU men's house puts on every year to determine who the "manliest man" is. Which basically boils down to guys doing a bunch of crazy stunts, not showering, and throwing up a lot. Yeah. I was very impressed... not.

Be that as it may, one of the things the guys can do during this 'week of man' to prove their manliness is ask girls on dates. Fortunately, no guy is callous enough to ask out a girl who's already dating someone... however, they have no qualms about asking every other girl in the house to go on a date with them... even if they ask multiple girls at once.

Well, I had two guys ask me out. I was probably difficult to locate for most of the week as I tend to hide out in my room like a hermit and cackle at anime, do homework, stalk Japanese celebrities (>.<), or write. Anyway, one guy was a dork and asked me on a date by standing on the table in the middle of lunch. He asked the other girl at the table as well. There were about six other people there, and the whole thing was awkward. He still hasn't actually taken me on that date, though he assured me and a few other girls that he'll get to it. But since he asked out like 12 girls, well... haha, his wallet can only take so much abuse.

The other guy that 'asked me out' is in the creative writing major, and wrote a story with him and myself as the characters. He sent it to me via facebook, and that's pretty much how we discussed everything up until the date. The story ended with his character inviting mine to go out for coffee or something. Not wanting to read into the story, I told him it was pretty funny. He told me there was a purpose behind writing it. I asked if he was trying to use nonverbal communication in the story to express attitudes and thoughts. Or if he was working on description. He said it was more like a moral, something to be learned at the end. I told him I was sorry but I didn't have a clue... to which he responded: "Week of man date? :D"

To which I replied that I would love to go for coffee or something and that I am a total moron. We had a good chuckle about that one. I felt really stupid. Anyway, we went and got some bubble tea together and chatted about writing, and also the upcoming officer elections, and how school was going, and just life in general. Long story short, we talked for about 3 hours.  'twas tons of fun.

And that was the week of man "date". The other one has yet to occur, but I hinted that I wanted sushi, so maybe I'll have him take me to the new donburi place on the ave and try their salmon donburi instead. I hope it's yummy!

Well, after week of man, the women's house held officer elections. For people who don't know (ie, everyone except me or a house member), there are five officer positions at UCU:

President - does tours, works with intra- and inter-house relationships, works with the alumni board, etc.
Vice President - spiritual leader of the house, works with bible studies, leads worship nights, plans outreaches, etc.
Secretary - takes notes at meetings, etc.
Treasurer - collects dues, etc.
Social Chair - plans events, etc.
House Manager - makes sure the house is running, chore manager, buys cleaning supplies, works with the cook to keep things running, etc.

So, at our house we have combined the roles of secretary and treasurer into one person. And we have two social chairs so they can brainstorm together. Anyway, I decided to run for the position of Vice President. And I won. And thus far, it's been murder. It's a huge learning curve and I feel totally inadequate. I have no clue what I was thinking trying to lead anyone in anything.

Haha, all that to say I'm convinced I'm going to die trying to lead the other people in this house, especially since I struggle to have a regular quiet-time. It's really frustrating to be encouraging people to do stuff like read their bibles and feel like a total hypocrite. It's something I would appreciate prayer for. I can find time to do practically anything except read my bible, and I KNOW it's because my spirit and my flesh are in conflict, which just makes it all the more frustrating. However, the guy's house vice president and I have regular meetings. In fact, I'll be meeting with him again tonight to talk about possible outreaches, etc.

It's nice to have someone else to talk to, and everyone is really supportive, but it's frankly terrifying to have this position, a lot scarier than I thought it would be. I just don't want to lead people in the wrong direction or make a dumb choice.

Well, now I have homework, but I think I'll update my bloggy blog of doom tomorrow. My 'bloggy blog' is how I've affectionately termed this blog, and it's kind of stuck. Not only I, but also one of my friends now refers to it as my 'bloggy blog' as well. Hehe. It makes me happy. Try saying it: "Bloggy blog."

Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? D'awwww, yeah, I know.

And with that, I shall bid you adieu!

Until next month, or tomorrow, whenever I end up updating...



  1. Great to hear from you, Rachel! I was getting scared that you dropped of the face of the planet!

  2. Aha! You have posted yet again! I wish you luck on obtaining the sushi with the remaining "Man-Date"!
